5 Ways To Develop Trust And Love Between Parents And Kids

5 Ways To Develop Trust And Love Between Parents And Kids


Parenting is a difficult and often thankless job. It takes discipline, patience, and love to raise children into productive, kind adults. But what if you don’t have any of these things? Or if your relationship with your children is strained? Parenting isn’t always easy for parents or for kids – but it can be done well with the right mindset. Here are five ways to develop trust and love between parents and their children:

Be Aware Of Your Own Behavior.

The first step to building trust and love between parents and kids is to be aware of your own behavior. What do you see yourself doing when it comes to respecting your child?

Think about this: Are you treating them with kindness? Are you being patient, fair, and respectful? Do they feel heard by you?

If not, it’s time to make some changes.

Show Empathy For Your Children’s Feelings.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It’s a sign of maturity, respect and love. You can show your children that you care about their feelings by acknowledging them in a non-judgmental fashion.

Here are five ways that parents can express empathy for their kids’ feelings:

  • Listen without interrupting or judging. Allow your child to tell you how they’re feeling and try not to come up with solutions while they’re talking; wait until they’ve finished before offering suggestions or advice. When it comes down to it, sometimes simply listening (and showing) that you care is enough for young ones who are frustrated or upset.
  • Acknowledge their point of view as valid even if it’s different than yours; don’t let any judgments creep into this process either! We all want our voices heard, even if we know deep down inside that someone else might think differently than us—especially when those differences are expressed through actions rather than words: like when one little girl refuses her brother’s help because she doesn’t want him touching her toys during cleanup time at home! In cases such as these where neither party has an obvious advantage over another person’s opinion regarding something specific happening between them both then keep calm and carry on before things escalate into an argument full blown meltdown

When You Make A Mistake, Apologize.

Apologize for your mistake

When we think of trust, we usually imagine that it’s built from the bottom up. The more positive experiences you have with someone, the more trustworthy they seem. But trust can also be created from the top down—by showing that you are willing to acknowledge when you’re wrong and apologize for your mistakes.

For example, if you find out that you accidentally got angry at your child over something minor (like spilling milk), say “I’m sorry I yelled at you about that spilled milk! It wasn’t worth getting upset about.” Then explain what actions will be taken so it doesn’t happen again: “I’ll make sure to bring placemats next time.” Then ask them for forgiveness: “Can I get a hug?” Be sincere while doing this; admit when there was no reason to yell at them in the first place!

Give Kids The Benefit Of The Doubt.

Trust is a two-way street. If you want your child to trust you, it’s important that you give him the benefit of the doubt when he makes mistakes and don’t jump to conclusions about what he’s doing. This can be hard for many parents, especially those who have been hurt in the past or are feeling insecure in their own relationships. But it’s essential that we remember that children are still learning how to navigate our world and make good choices—and this includes making mistakes as well as growing into better versions of themselves through trial and error.

Some parents may also worry about giving their kids too much freedom because they fear them getting into trouble or getting hurt; however, giving kids enough space so they feel supported but not suffocated is an important way for them to learn how they fit into society while also developing independence and confidence in themselves.

Use Praise Wisely.

Praise the behavior, not the child. Praising your child’s character is great, but only if you can do it without making them feel bad about themselves. If you praise them for being smart or good at sports, they’re likely to internalize this as “I am smart/good at sports—and therefore nothing else matters.” Instead of focusing on their intelligence or athletic ability, try praising their effort or perseverance instead. For example: “You worked so hard today! You never gave up until you got that math problem right!” Or “I know how hard it is for new runners to keep up with everyone else when they first start running; I used to be like that too! That was really impressive how quickly you were able to improve! There are no short cuts in life…you just have to keep trying harder every day until eventually success happens.”

Avoid Making Assumptions About Your Child’s Motives Or Behavior.

It’s important not to assume your child is trying to manipulate you, get out of something, get something he wants or be annoying. Children are often just exploring their own choices and preferences and figuring out what works best for them. They don’t have the same values as we do; they might value time with family over time at school or being able to play videogames on their own schedule instead of waiting until after homework is finished before playing games.

Pay Attention To Your Child.

To build trust, we need to pay attention to our children. We can do this by listening closely to what they say, asking questions about what they’re interested in and paying attention to how they’re feeling.

Another way is asking our kids for their opinions on things that are important to them. It’s really important though: don’t just ask your child how they feel about a situation or something you’ve decided; instead, give them the opportunity to make a decision based on the information presented. Here’s an example: A mom wants her daughter’s hair cut short so she can donate it for cancer patients; however, her daughter does not want this because she likes long hair better. The mom could say “Sarah! You have no idea how much easier it will be for me if I don’t have long hair all over my house!” She could also reply “I’m sorry but this isn’t up for discussion.” Both responses would be pretty cold-hearted—but neither would help with building trust between parent and child! Instead consider saying something like “Okay honey…if that makes sense for YOU….”

Parenting Will Go More Smoothly When There Is Trust And Love Between You And Your Children

Before you can have a healthy relationship with your children, you need to understand that trust and love are the foundations of any good relationship. To develop trust and love in your family, it is important to:

  • Trust your kids. Children need to feel safe enough to make mistakes and learn from them. Their parents should trust them enough to allow them to do so without judgment or punishment.
  • Trust yourself as a parent. Because parents are responsible for their children’s well-being, it’s important for them not only to learn how to discipline but also when not too discipline at all—and this comes from trusting themselves as parents first and foremost!
  • Get feedback from other people who know the child well (elders). When younger generations complain about how “things were done back then,” we often dismiss their suggestions as hogwash because these generations’ views don’t match ours 100%. But if they’re saying something that contradicts what we’ve been taught by our elders growing up then chances are they might actually know better than us because they’ve had more experience dealing with certain situations than we have! It’s important when seeking advice that we listen carefully before making our own conclusions based on what others say; otherwise there will always be conflict between different groups within society which leads nowhere good.”


It’s important to remember that you don’t have to be perfect. The goal is to create a positive, loving environment where your child feels safe enough to communicate with you. If you keep this in mind, then even mistakes and misunderstandings can be opportunities for growth. And as long as we continue being open-minded towards our kids, they will reciprocate that same attitude when it comes time for them to raise their own families.


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